





The natural resources, such as oil, forests, and fresh water, are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause? How can we solve these problems?




voracious consumption of 贪婪的消耗

over-depletion 过度消耗

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

carbon emissions 碳排放

renewable forms of energy 可再生能源

solar radiation 太阳辐射

hydro power 水力发电

wind energy 风能

deforestation 滥伐森林

forest clearance 滥伐森林

biodiversity 生物多样性

mammal 哺乳动物

amphibians 两栖动物

rare and fragile species 稀有和脆弱的物种

natural imbalance 自然失衡

preservation effort 保护工作

botanical institutes 植物研究所

an alternative strategy 另外一种策略

natural habitats 自然栖息地

nature reserves 自然保护区

delicate ecosystems 脆弱的生态系统

the profligate use of water 滥用水

exacerbate the situation 令局势恶化

originate from 源自

sanitation issues 环境卫生问题

water scarcity 水短缺

adverse consequences 不良后果

irrigation 灌溉

economic slowdown 经济衰退

departments of legislation and regulation 立法、监管部门

taxation levers 税收杠杆

desalination 海水淡化


Humanity’s voracious consumption of natural resources has brought about many problems. This essay will analyze some major consequences of over-depletion of oil, forests, and fresh water resources and offer possible solutions to reverse the trend. 

Fossil fuels such as oil produce large quantities of carbon dioxide when burnt, and the heat trapped by carbon emissions in the atmosphere leads to climate change. The environment is naturally able to deal with certain amounts of emissions, but the consumption of oil by human activities is in dramatic rise, driving global warming to dangerous levels. Therefore, action should be taken to encourage the widespread use of renewable forms of energy, such as solar radiation, hydro power, and wind energy. A good example is the manufacture and increasing availability of electric cars, which is an effective strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.  

Deforestation or forest clearance results in a large number of disastrous effects, and one of them is the decline of biodiversity. From mammals to birds, insects, amphibians or plants, the forest is home to many rare and fragile species. By destroying the forests, human activities are putting entire ecosystems in danger, creating natural imbalance, and putting Life at threat. In order to maintain biodiversity, governments should promote greater understanding of plants and animals by investing in the research and preservation effort of universities, zoos, and botanical institutes. An alternative strategy is to protect natural habitats by expanding nature reserves, which will have immediate positive consequences for those areas by preserving delicate ecosystems. 

Insufficient fresh water resources have become a main crisis in many countries, both wealthy and poor. However, the profligate use of water exacerbates the situation. The biggest problem originating from water shortage is that people can hardly survive since up to 60% of the human body consists of water, and sanitation issues are followed when there is no proper access to clean water for daily use. Other adverse consequences of water scarcity include food shortage as agriculture relies on irrigation and economic slowdown because sufficient water access is a priority for industrial development. To address this issue, the government should provide leadership and work collectively across departments of legislation, regulation, and taxation levers to conduct water reuse, management, and conservation and to promote water treatment technologies such as desalination. 

To conclude, natural sources of energy are scarce worldwide nowadays; thus, effective measures should be taken immediately to make a difference. 








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