近日,美国雪橇运动员萨默·布里彻(Summer Britcher)拍视频分享自己入住奥运村激动的心情,“我有一些令人难以置信的东西要分享”,然后拿着遥控器演示起了房间内的高科技床铺。
The Beds at the Beijing Olympic Village Are Guaranteed to Make Tokyo Athletes Jealous
Ahead of the 2022 Winter Olympics,lugeathleteSummer Britcherwants the world to know that the beds in the Olympic Village in Beijing areout of this world.
2022年冬奥会前夕,雪橇运动员萨默·布里彻(Summer Britcher)想让全世界都知道,北京奥运村的床铺是世界上最好的。
luge /luːʒ/ 表示“仰卧滑行小雪橇(冰上竞技用具,使用者脚朝前方平躺于雪橇之上)”,英文解释为“a sledge used for racing on ice. The person using it lies on their back with their feet pointing forward.”
out of this world
表示“极好的;非常棒的”,英文解释为“extremely good”举个🌰:
What a restaurant - the food was out of this world!
After landing in Beijing, she was asked if the Olympic Village s beds were made ofcardboardlike theynotoriouslyhad been at the Tokyo Olympics over the summer. And her answer is going todelightfans—and probably annoy some 2020 athletes.
表示“(尤指制作盒子的)硬纸板,卡纸板”,英文解释为“material like very thick, stiff paper, usually pale brown in colour, used especially for making boxes”如:a cardboard box 硬纸板盒。
副词词性 notoriously 众所周知地,声名狼藉地;形容词性:notorious 表示“臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的”,英文解释为“famous or well-known for something bad”,如:a notorious computer hacker 声名狼藉的电脑黑客。
作动词,表示“使高兴;使满足”,英文解释为“to give someone great pleasure or satisfaction”举个🌰:
His academic success delighted his family.
I am so excited you asked this question, because I have something incredible to share, Britcher said in aTikTokvideo. Because not only do we not have cardboard beds here, but it s as if the Beijing organizing committee said, ‘How can we just absolutely justone upTokyo?
“我很高兴你问这个问题,因为我有一些难以置信的东西要分享,”布里彻在TikTok视频中说。“因为我们这里不仅没有纸板床,而且就像北京组委会说的那样, 我们怎么可能只比东京强一点? ”
one up
表示“占上风;领先于……,胜过”,英文解释为“having or having scored an advantage or lead over someone or something”举个🌰:
They were trying to one-up each other over who had had the worst year.
The athlete shared aclose upof the bed s personal remote control, which showed that it could be raised and lowered into multiple positions for maximum comfort. Not bad, right?
表示“特写照片;近景照片”,英文解释为“a photograph taken from a short distance that gives a very detailed picture”举个🌰:
She took a stunning close-up of him.
In a follow-up clip,Britcherwasseen happilytucked inas she said, I m in Zero-G mode now. It sphenomenal.
tuck sb in
表示“给(孩子)掖好被子;将(孩子)在床上安顿好”,英文解释为“to make someone comfortable in bed, especially a child, by arranging the covers around them”举个🌰:
Itucked the children inand said goodnight.
phenomenal /fɪˈnɒmɪnəl/表示“非凡的,杰出的”,英文解释为“extremely successful or special, especially in a surprising way”举个🌰
His rise to fame was quitephenomenal- in less than two years he was a household name.
There was certainly one athlete from last year s games who wasenviousofBritcherand her high tech bed: U.S. rugby playerIlona Maher, who shared her hilarious reaction on TikTok.
有一位参加了去年奥运会的运动员对布里彻和这高科技床感到羡慕:美国橄榄球运动员伊洛娜·马赫(Ilona Maher),她在TikTok上分享了她的搞笑反应。
表示“羡慕的;忌妒的”,英文解释为“wishing you had what another person has”举个🌰:
I m veryenviousof your new coat - it s beautiful.
Your... Your bed has a whole remote to it? It has modes? Mahersaid, gettingprogressivelymore emotional as she spoke. How big is it? It looks pretty big.
“你的... 你的床配了遥控器?还有各种模式?”马赫说,随着她的发言,情绪逐渐激动起来。“床有多大?看起来特别大。”
My eyesight has gotprogressivelyworse over the years.
Our beds in Tokyo were like, only like that big, she said, making a small gesture with her thumb and forefinger. And they were highlyflammable. And very solid. They were very solid beds. My back hurt like, a week after I started laying on them.
表示“易燃的;可燃的”,英文解释为“Something that is flammable burns easily.”
Fighting back fake tears,Maheradded, But have fun! That looks awesome. That looks so cool.
Back at the 2020 Summer Olympics, there was frequent discussion surrounding the so-called cardboard beds at the Village, which began after U.S. runnerPaul Chelimotweeted an image of thelightweightbedframes and said that they could only withstand the weight of a single person as part of a plan to avoid intimacyamong athletes.
早在2020年夏季奥运会上,围绕着奥运村的所谓“纸板床”就有过频繁的讨论,这始于美国选手保罗·切里莫(Paul Chelimo)在推特上发布的一张轻型床架的图片,并说它们只能“承受一个人的重量”,这是避免“运动员之间亲密接触”计划的一部分。
表示“较轻的,轻量的”,英文解释为“weighing only a little or less than average”举个🌰:
I need alightweightjacket for the summer evenings.
表示“亲密;密切;关系密切”,英文解释为“the state of having a close personal relationship with sb”。
也可以表示“亲昵的言行;性关系”,英文解释为“things that are said or done only by people who have a close relationship with each other”。
That thought process was laterdebunkedby Irish gymnastRhys McClenaghan, who put the self-described anti-sex beds to the test by posting a video of himselfgleefullyjumping up and down on one.
这一想法后来被爱尔兰体操运动员里斯·麦克莱纳汉(Rhys McClenaghan)揭穿,他发布了一段自己在床上欢快地跳起来的视频,对这种自诩为“反对性行为”的床进行了测试。
表示“驳斥;揭穿,揭露…的真相”,英文解释为“to show that something is less important, less good, or less true than it has been made to appear”举个🌰:
The writer s aim was todebunk the myththat had grown up around the actress.
📍《经济学人》(The Economist)去年关于《拆穿胡扯》(Calling Bullshit: The Art of Scepticism in a Data-Driven World)一书的书评文章标题就用的:How todebunkdodgy data 如何看穿骗人的数据。
表示“欢欣地;极快乐地;愉快地”,英文解释为“happily and with excitement or pleasure”。
Apparently they re meant to break at any sudden movements, McClenaghansaid. When the bed did not break, he declared, It s fake! Fake news!